Keeping up with a little sib's responsibilty a la their Uncle Brian, Amity will occasionally scream very unsupportive things (eg. we're gonna crash! we're all gonna die!) but has actualy been a real champ about pausing the conversation when more concentration for Z (or the adult teaching) is warrated.
Monday, December 28, 2020
Toonces: TNG
Saturday, December 26, 2020
Friday, December 25, 2020
Christmas Traditions
Saturday, December 19, 2020
You can't just play the simple songs
Of course now that she's rocking her acoustic she's already jonesing for an electric. Here's hoping she'll be able to (safely) make music with some people outside of our house before too long.
Thursday, December 17, 2020
Monday, December 14, 2020
Sunday, December 13, 2020
Open Air Session
Friday, December 11, 2020
Light Once, Visit Twice
We had planned to make it an annual tradition, but as everything with 2020 (nothing going the way we planned), we ended up seeing the Ginter Lights twice in one calendar year. It was 2 different "winters" (ok winter doesn't start for another 2 weeks but whatevs). Hat tip to the fabulous Tobias family for being the best light viewing buddies as well as best people to do outdoor activities with in a pandemic (and takers of all of these photos, well, at least their camera). Here's to increasing the light as we close out 2020 with hopes for good things in 2021!
Thursday, November 26, 2020
Sunday, November 22, 2020
Rec Soccer Redux
- She's moved up to the high school league, which is U19
- There's no longer a girls league, it's all Co-Rec
- Many of the players are ex-Travel, a level at which she has never played
- Despite being the youngest, the shortest and the rec-est (though she does play Varsity at school), she's putting it out there on the field every game...
- And by that I mean she scored a goal! (and many assists, too) First goal in 4ish years.
Sunday, November 01, 2020
Lit Drop
Monday, September 21, 2020
Return to Turk Mountain
The kiddos had an "asynchronous" day, which is basically a day where teachers work ahead to get content out digitally so they can take a teacher workday without missing a day of instruction. So, in theory, the kids should have been home "doing school" all day, or at least in a 9-3 sort of way. We decided, "feh," and went for flu shots and a hike instead. It was a beautiful day for a hike, and everyone (including Zelda) had a great time. Turk Mountain is one of the more popular SNP hikes, and we certainly ran into 6-8 other groups of people, but it was by no means crowded and everyone had masks (on or at the ready) and gave as much space as you can on a fairly narrow trail.
p.s. the kids did in fact get their schoolwork done, just at somewhat non-traditional times.
Thursday, August 20, 2020
Back to School: 5th and 10th grades
Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Sunday, June 21, 2020
Drive-In Movies!
Friday, May 29, 2020
It's my chance to socially advance instead of sewing some pants...
Zara's kicking her sewing skills up a notch from mask making. She pretty much sewed these pants, from printing out a 20 page pattern to wearing them to bed, in just a few hours. I am supremely impressed.
Monday, May 25, 2020
So, awhile back we were in the part of the pandemic where we spent an incredible amount of time at home, and apparently to a teen that means we had lots of time for "photo shoots" and to dream up new "fits" (aka outfits). So, here's Z, totes posing.
Friday, May 22, 2020
Last Day of School: School at Home edition

We certainly did not imagine, back in August 2019, that we'd be ending the school year learning from home full-time. But, as the old adage goes, pandemics happen. Sincere gratitude to both kiddos' teachers, who approached the herculean task of distance education on a few days notice with aplomb. Having taught high school, I know it's no small feat at any grade level, so really, mad props to the faculty at STAB.
So, here's a last look at a 4th and a 9th grader. Who knows what the first day of school will look like this coming August. Stay tuned...
Saturday, April 18, 2020
Happy Birthday, Wesley!
Saturday, April 11, 2020
Backyard Nacho Snack

When life gives you pandemic stay at home time, you give back random backyard nacho picnics! Turns out al fresco dining on a big plate of cheese and chips (there are some beans there, too) can improve almost anyone's mood, at least a little. Zara decided to celebrate having absolutely nowhere to go by getting inexplicably dressed up. To each their own?
Saturday, April 04, 2020
House of Z Masks
Friday, March 13, 2020
Auntie Fun!

About 30 seconds before we all went into stay at home lockdown quarantine, we made the quickest of jaunts up to NYC (and then also even more up to upstate NY) to see my dearest friend Tasha (not pictured) and also our Brooklyn fam. Here's a sweet reminder of a time when we could snuggle people who didn't reside in the same 4 walls we do ALL THE TIME. But we'll get back there someday (hopefully) soon, both metaphorically and literally.
Saturday, February 15, 2020
Sunday, February 02, 2020
Happy 10th Birthday, Amity!

After the flat of exhaustion that followed last year's spy birthday extravaganza, we told Amity this year's party needed to be a lot chiller. So, she opted for the ever popular swimming party, and a great time was had by all. We celebrated with a delicious Ben and Jerry's ice cream cake with friends, followed by a smaller chocolate pudding based celebration at home.
Here's to the *next* decade of Amity awesomeness!