Monday, April 22, 2024
Monday, April 08, 2024
Obieland... and an eclipse!
I'm usually pretty good with the words and the writing (though this particular blog post may not be a shining example), but I am definitely at a loss for how to describe the eclipse. I mean, superficially things got dark in the middle of the day - we were outside in Tappan Square and all of the street lights started to come on - but also things got SUPER quiet. The birds and all of the other nature noises just, like, ceased. And I was just standing there with Z, holding hands, and the incredible awe and amazement at the universe was just entirely overwhleming, like bring tears to your eyes beauty and wonder. I was surprised by how emotional it was, and how connected I felt. And how unbelievably grateful I was to share it with the small human being I helped bring into the world, who is taller than I am now. It was a lot, sandwiched into a few days filled with other "a lots".
So we took it in for however long the totality lasted, which seemed fleeting but also vast, and then the sun started coming back, and the birds started chirping, and the dance picked up again and we were returned into the rest of life.