Thursday, December 14, 2023

Drink your Gin and Tonica... here comes Chanukah

So, like last year was a year of many lasts, we've now circled back around to some firsts. In this case, it was our first Chanukah without Zara here the entire time. Like both kids have missed a night or 2 here or there, or we've all been travelling and MacGyver'd a night in a hotel room, or we've lit the menorah at my parents' house, but this was different. Zara did have 8 nights of presents queued up for them that we left with them over Thanksgiving, and their own menorah which they nearly had confiscated by campus security, but yeah, it's the new normal now. At least this year, when Chanukah was pretty early. I think next year it overlaps with Christmas through New Years, so we'll get to enjoy their company once again. But in the meantime, Ansel was over for not 1 but 2 nights, and I got to finally wear Amity's festive and cozy hat. Chag sameach, ya'll.

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