Sunday, October 06, 2024

Greenbrier State Forest Camping Adventures

Last year we spent fall break (which is really just a long weekend) at Seneca Shadows, lollygagging around West Virginia near CHM. Last fall that area was a place Wes and I had very lightly visited, 98% to drop off and pick kids up from camp. This year, that particular part of the state is now ingrained in our bones like wagon ruts. Between the 2 of us, we've driven the road between camp and NRocks/Seneca about 8-9 times a week :) Add on some trips to DC, some trips to hike in Dolly Sods or to Spruce Knob, to Thomas, Davis, Reed's Creek, and really Elkins, and let's say we're now VERY familiar with that litle corner of the world and will have many more opportunities and adventures there next year too.

Yup, we're ALL going back to camp in 2025!

But this isn't about CHM, it's about fall break! We decided to visit a different part of the state that's still about 2ish hours from C'ville (AJ isn't a big fan of long car rides, travel soccer player not withstanding). So we ended up camping in Greenbrier State Forest, which is conveniently located near what turned out to be another awesome discovery this summer - Hawk Knob Cider! Well specifically their very dry and very bourbon barrel aged "Cellar Door" cider - it's DELISH! They're out of Lewisburg, which is another cute town (also home of the WV state fair which I missed this past year but hope to catch next one) that we spent a bit of time in during this weekend. So did we plan a camping and hiking trip that also coincided with the opportunity to vist my new fave WVa cidery? Yes, yes we did. We also went on some splendid hikes and enjoyed our time camping. We learned a new trick, how to charge Ivy at campsites with RV-esque power, so that's a big plus in WVa which is otherwise a little lackluster in the charging game. Though we were plesantly surprsied that Hill and Holler, a delightful pizza joint recommended by our fave "local" camp counselor friend, Anne (aka Country), was both DELICIOUS and also had (slow) charging... for free!

All in all, yet another successful camping excusrion - Zelda's getting prety good at going with it, AJ's really stepped up their helping/taking responsibility game (thanks Nat and Snaps and EarthEx) and once again, I love my people.Thanks to the Dunn crew for the loan of their stove while our WhisperLite was getting retrofitted and safety-recalled. 2 burner propane is FANCY livin'!

Pouring one out for you, Zoo - I know you'll be off climbing with N in MRG and having delightful adventures of your own, as you should, but you're with us in spirit, too.

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