Friday, December 06, 2024

Soccer Showcase

Wes was originally going to be the soccer parent this weekend, but he picked up a bug during our Michigan travels and was coughing a lot. We decided it would be more restful for him to stay home, and for AJ not to sleep in a small hotel room with someone hacking up a lung, so I was next up. This was actually AJ's first showcase - very similar to a tournament but you play one game per day over 3 days, no double headers. As a result, there's more downtime - both for homework (which you need because most teammates missed school for the Friday game - AJ had a teacher work day) and for fun, as represented here by the gingerbread house AJ, Wynter and Annabelle decorated.

Other glimpses into our trip include AJ finding a VERY LARGE jar of pickles at the Wallyworld we stopped to charge at, the insane weather that had the kids playing in 25-50F weather over the course of the weekend, the hotel bathroom I turned into a prep kitchen so AJ could have fresh fruit and veggies for snack, and the international walkout they do before each match, just like the pros do!

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