In Lee, MA, Zara met her mother's father's mother (her maternal-paternal great grandmother). Jo knows her as "Nanny" and to avoid confusion, Zara will also know her thusly. Zara is Nanny's first great granddaughter.
Zara met her mom's mother's father (her twice-maternal great grandfather) Ted Hodge in Horseheads, NY. He's known by his older great granddaughters as "Big Grandpa".
In order to prepare for our Tour de Fam, we needed to accomplish two difficult tasks: wash the dog; and teach Z about pacifiers. Thanks to Gab for helping with the latter.
Baby Z at 10 lbs 7 ozs. We took Jojo to the doctor today for mastitis and they let us use their nice scale to weigh Z. Jo took this shot with a 102F fever! (I did need to crop it a bit.)
Today, Zara is 6 weeks old, something like 9 lbs 14 ozs, and I have to go back to work. Only half-time, tho. She also took her first bottle. Jo pumped, went running, I administered said bottle, no muss, no fuss. Go Z!