Saturday, March 23, 2024

C'ville 10 Miler

Well, I finally did it. 17 years after moving to town (and 4 years after I stopped coaching Saturday soccer, which had been one of the main things keeping me from this race), I ran the C'ville 10 miler. It's a FANTASTIC race, even if the conditions this year (and apparently last year, too) were sub-optimal. And by sub-optimal I do mean a fair amount of pouring rain. But at least it wasn't freezing or sweltering, and once you get to be a certain amount of soaked I think you just give up caring? I made my goal time (under 100 minutes) and geneerally had a pretty good race though there were also a million little things that went just a tiny bit wrong that I was mentally cataloging how fix for future years... wait, does that mean I'm running this race again? Maybe. Also of course 80% of the tweaks were weather related, so different conditions would be a whole different race. But you run the race you're given, I guess. Props to all of the volunteers and spectators, it really gives us runners a lift.

Also, thanks to Wesley for waking up early to give me a ride there, and then meeting me at the finish. Happy Anniversay, my Love!

Sunday, February 04, 2024

WISL 2k24

It was my privilege and pleasure to "coach" this literal supergroup of soccer stars. I did almost nothing but figure out sub rotations, lean on people to play in goal (we had no 'natural' goalie) and really just had myself a delightful time watching them play (and very occasionally, suggesting they maybe nedeed to change a strategy or talk to each other more). Such much fun!

Friday, February 02, 2024

Happy 14th Birthday, Amity!

Happy Birthday to the coolest of kiddos! The teen years are for sure a little bumpier, and I know you miss having Zaza at home, but we've had some pretty good times this year. Looking forward to all of the ways you will undoubtedly impress and amaze me in the coming year (and also maybe make me go just a little bit insane). Love you SO SO MUCH!

Thursday, February 01, 2024

Almost Birthday Kid

Last night with our 13 year old....

Saturday, January 27, 2024

Look kids, another birthday!

I'm the primary picture taker (and blogger) so I have no one to blame but myself for apparently missing my last 2 birthdays? This year Z was still home, and we all went to a hike at Bearfence Mountain, which is known for having a very fun rock scramble. I went for a run, I got to hike with my faves, we had delicious ice cream at Kline's, and my parents came over for dinner. It was a pretty fine way to celebrate. Sláinte!