Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Amity recently turned 1, and as such has moved onto toddler toys. She's done with those baby toys... well, not really. But here are a few shots of her newfound capabilities.... (note she's taken up reading about baby sign language as well. very advanced!)

Monday, March 28, 2011

Where's the mustard?

A few weeks ago, ok, so more like sometime in February, Amity learned the "I don't know" gesture while visiting the fam in NYC. She's been using it quite a bit when asked where someone is that she cannot see at the time (ie when you ask her "where's Zara" while Zara is at school) but she's recently started using it as a joke, where she hides something and then gestures to indicate she doesn't know where it is. In this case, we're asking her about the mustard. Which is sitting next to her in her highchair. Funny kid.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Five and Three Quarters

Here is Zara. She is bubbly! She is beautiful! She is brilliant! She is wearing a blue.... fuzzy. And she is 5 and 3/4 today! Which means in 3 short months she will be 6! Ack!

Thursday, March 24, 2011


Amity and I took a music and movement class (aka Mary's dance class, I believe Zara was in the first round of classes Mary ever taught here in C'ville) a few weeks back. Amity liked many things about said music and movement class, and one of her favoritest things was the scarves. Here she is on stage at the Virginia Discovery Museum playing with those same scarves...

Monday, March 21, 2011


Amity giving me a good morning hug while simultaneously modeling her early dress up endeavors - all chefs must wear their hair out of their face!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Swinging Trajectory

Amity spends most of the time in her "baby swing", but on occasion has been known to explore the challenging world of "big girl swings." Once we're a bit more confident she'll actually hold on most of the time, perhaps it will become a bit more of a regular occurrence.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Dolphin built for 2...

Enjoying a tandem rock on the trusty Pen Park dolphin...

Saturday, March 12, 2011


Zara's reading Good Night, Moon to Amity. Amity is thrilled and enchanted. However, Amity knows Zara won't always let her turn the pages or drool on the book as the mood strikes... so Amity's got her own book ready as a back up should the page turning or drooling need arise. Hey, she's getting molars, this is serious business!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

I can't hear you I have a banana in my ear!

Amity demonstrating that everything is a cell phone, and also, everything is edible! At least in her world view. This is the first time we've let her hold a whole banana on her own. Needless to say, she enjoyed the experience!

Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Happy 13 month Birthday, Amity!

Amity is very fond of that piece of cantaloupe. And why shouldn't she be? She's 13 months old, after all!