Zara and a few of her BRIMS buddies were asked to dance at the Sean Keane (and friends) show at the Southern. Which to be fair, isn't just a bar. It is actually a lovely little venue, one at which I hope to see future shows, even. They performed beautifully (and seemed to be having a great deal of fun, which is really the important part) as evidenced by the above video.
Zara and her buddy L lead off, and the amazingly awesome dancer in the middle is Marina (Zara's soft shoe teacher this year). Incidentally, Marina ran the kiddos for the majority of the show, so Wes and I got to sit in the audience, together, with no one squirming on our laps or
screaming whispering in our ear about how they were bored or asking us compelling but completely unrelated to the show we were watching questions. Nearly a date. It was delightful. As was Sean and his co-conspirators Fergus and Pat.
Editor's Note: This is the second time in recent memory we've had Zara dancing at a bar considerably past her bedtime on a school night. Well, school-ish night, she actually didn't have school the next day. And it will likely happen again in the future. Because that's how we roll.