So last week Zara was napping in her room, and I was in the kitchen putting away dishes. I hear the telltale pitter patter (which is really more like loud thumps and stomps - sometimes I wonder if an elephant would be more subtle?) of little feet, check my watch and find Zara's only napped for an hour. This isn't so bad, 1.5 hours is more the norm these days (when she naps) but I'm about to go see her when I hear Wes talking to her... and she kinda whimpers and babbles incomprehensibly, and then Wes says something else, and then it's quiet - no one is talking. I peak out of the kitchen and look into the office, where I find Zara snuggled up to the Sunflower blanket, laying on the floor, back asleep. Wes said she wandered in, snuggled with him, and then decided to strike out on her own and claimed her floor spot. She proceeded to nap for another hour and a bit in the middle of the office floor.
This is especially funny as I often complain about what a bad sleeper she is. Wes and I have recently concluded that she's actually a fantastic sleeper... she's just bad at falling asleep. In particular she has a very hard time laying still and closing her eyes. It's no wonder since she is in constant motion! Once she's asleep she is really quite a champion sleeper, especially if one of us is nearby. So yes, I originally thought she maybe got passed over in the sleeping super power department, but it looks like as she gets older she may still be in the running....
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