Thursday, October 16, 2008

A Night without Woodstock

A series of misfortunate events and miscommunications, plus the fact that Zara stays at school for lunch, naps and playtime these days (Laura, we miss you!) caused Zara to arrive home, after school closed, sans her purple multicolored kitty, Woodstock. Some of you might recall aforementioned kitty as a blankie called Urple (though Wes just made that up - no one ever called the blanket urple, though it is a funny name). Others of you might know it as the special knitted blanket her excellent Aunt Debi made for her back when she was a wee-er lass. In any case, Woodstock, her kitty-blankie, is her special lovely. And she spent the night without her.

It was not easy. She also hadn't napped, so bedtime was really tough. But with a lot of discussion about the fun adventures Woodstock might be having with the other lovies at school (lovie sleep over party!), and some back up blanket action from the Grandma Bonnie Blanket and LA's tassle-y blanket, we made it through the very very long night. Here's a couple snaps of her the morning after. I think she looks pretty good for someone who's spent the night without what is effectively a body part...


Laura said...

I miss you guys more! :(

Anonymous said...

Has Woodstock been restored to her?

jmbcraig said...

oh yes, we got woodstock back the next morning at school... and i think, ironically, i was happier to see woodstock than zara was... :)