Saturday, April 10, 2010

Brooklyn (with Colds)

Amity made her first trip to see her Brooklyn family (and the street where one of the inspirations for her name comes from) during the latter half of Zara's spring break. When we left, I had a pretty bad cold (actually delayed us leaving by a day). When we got there, Wes had the cold, too. So that was no good. Lucky for us, Zara's been such a big independent kiddo since her sister was born, so she spent her nights with her "big girl" Aunties (a first, though we've been offering for years now).

On Friday Wes went to work at Columbia while I bravely took both kiddos to see Dinos etc at the Natural History Museum, but other than that we didn't do very much.... though Tash and Stef and kiddos did make the trek out to Brooklyn to visit with us, which was nice. Here are a few pics from our trip to the park (taken by Tash with her swanky nice camera).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank You, Jo ................ ;)