Friday, March 02, 2012

Ponies! Where are you?

Not only does Amity have an awesome time with Vijay when playing at the museum (or whatever other adventure they may pursue) but Vijay is apparently the only person who is good about taking pictures of Amity *and* getting them to a blog-postable format, aka my laptop. Neither Wes nor I can manage to do that these days. We are lame. We will make it better, we promise. Lots of fun has been happening - Amity turned 2, for example! But we have not synced said fun and it will probably be a few more days. In the meantime, however, enjoy Amity on the old-fashined carousel outside the Discovery Museum. She loves the ponies, and when we get to the Downtown Mall she can be heard calling "Poooooooh-nies! Where AAAAARRRRRE you?" It is SO cute. So!

1 comment:

Gramma B said...

She is adorable without the audio ............. ;)