Thursday, August 02, 2012

Detroit Zoo

Pictured: Zara looking super hip and cool on yet another carousel (kids both love 'em now. Zara loved 'em before, of course, but Amity's hooked now, too). Also, zebras. Of interest because Wes took this shot by using our monocular as an extra source of magnification, ie he held it up in front of the iPhone camera lens. In reality the zebras were pretty far away. Not pictured: Both Auntie Clare and Auntie Gabi came with us to the zoo. This is awesome in many ways, not the least of which is 1) Awesome company of favorite people, and 2) 2:1 grown up to kid ratio. Just like the good ol' only child days. But in that case, it was actually 4:1, since it was the same 4 grown ups and lil' Z. Ah, memories!

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