Sunday, June 02, 2013

Learning Together

Pre-dinner time in our house is a very tricky time of day. Usually everyone's tired, hungry, and maybe a bit cranky, too. Dinner gets made faster when both adults (and sometimes one or both of the kids) help with the prep and cooking, but sometimes the aforementioned cranky, hungry and tired necessitate a grown up facilitate interactions between the children. Sometimes we (the "grown ups") break down, surrender and let the kids veg with the iPad (aka "watch TV"), but often they'll read books, play outside, or play a game. Here Zara's chosen the game "What's GNU" which is considerably beyond Amity's abilities. No matter, they are playing collaboratively, and Zara's working on "teaching" Amity to read. Amity's learning how awesome her big sister is, and Zara's learning that a little patience can go a long way in garnering respect and cooperation from a 3 year old. Something all of us could probably use a reminder about sometimes, too.

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