Monday, August 19, 2013

Ears Pierced!

I could actually go on at great lengths about the saga of Zara getting her ears pierced, and it kinda goes all the way back to the very early 80s when I got my ears pierced at an age where I was really too young to take care of them... but there is too much, so let me sum up: Marmee took Zara to get her ears pierced, Zara was super tough and brave, and (since I'm writing this in October even though it is dated August) she cleaned her ears and rotated her earrings diligently (with very few reminders from us)and they never got infected once. So for Zara, at least, 8 seems to have been a good age for ear piercing.

Unrelatedly, it was also open house day for both kiddos' schools. The second picture of Zara here was taken while visiting her Art teacher, Ms. Ryan. It is of note because a) Zara's got pierced ears now and b) she's wearing a dress that would not fly during the school year due to dress code issues. She's livin' large!

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