Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Apple School (revisited, a lot)

Wes isn't sure if this was his 4th or 5th time at Carter's Mountain for Apple School. It was definitely Amity's first, and she loved it. She points towards the orchard as we drive around town and says "hey, Za, that's where my apple school is!" Lucky for her, she'll get to go next year... and in Kindergarten, and maybe 2nd grade, too? If Wes keeps on chaperoning, he'll maybe break some sort of apple school attendance record. For those of you playing along at home, I may hold a PhD but I have never been to Apple School.

1 comment:

Steve said...

It's a shame that Curry dropped the "Apple School" requirement for our terminal degrees. I think I've been seven times now? Surely that counts for something...