Saturday, February 02, 2019

Happy 9th Birthday, Amity!

Happy Birthday to the coolest polar bear in town!

We had originally planned to have Amity's super awesome spy party on her actual birthday, but 48 hours prior to this moment she was down for the count with a stomach bug, and we didn't want to risk "sharing" (or that some of the rest of us might be sick for the party). So, instead, we had a low key actual birthday, including a taste test of some Sugar Shack donuts (pictured here) and Brazos tacos for dinner. The actual birthday party was an insane feat of planning and execution and I can't believe we pulled it off, bit it included a laser maze, an escape room, may different kinds of codes to break, and a whodunnit mystery. It was such an event that we neglected to take a single picture, but believe me, it was grand!

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