Monday, September 21, 2020

Return to Turk Mountain


The kiddos had an "asynchronous" day, which is basically a day where teachers work ahead to get content out digitally so they can take a teacher workday without missing a day of instruction. So, in theory, the kids should have been home "doing school" all day, or at least in a 9-3 sort of way. We decided, "feh," and went for flu shots and a hike instead. It was a beautiful day for a hike, and everyone (including Zelda) had a great time. Turk Mountain is one of the more popular SNP hikes, and we certainly ran into 6-8 other groups of people, but it was by no means crowded and everyone had masks (on or at the ready) and gave as much space as you can on a fairly narrow trail. 

p.s. the kids did in fact get their schoolwork done, just at somewhat non-traditional times. 

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