Tuesday, August 23, 2022

First Day of School: 7th and 12th

And we're back! For the curious among you, no, those are not eggs. They are figs. Because we have a fig tree, and it's late August. Otherwise it was a pretty typical back to school morning. No one was ready to be awake when the alarms went off, most people ate something resembling breakfast, the dog got fed, everyone who wanted it drank coffee, only one computer charger was left behind (and the laptop was fully charged, so hopefully it makes it through the day), kids briefly pretended to like each other (they actually do, but shh, we don't talk about it) and I think everyone made it on time. I wouldn't actually know for sure, though, since Wes took A and Z drove on their own and will be spending the year parking in the SENIOR lot.

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