Saturday, October 08, 2022

Corn Maze for Days

Amity was surpsingly devoid of soccer games this weekend, so we took advantage of the lull in her schedule to venture out on a full family college visit to Northeastern Ohio! But first, we stopped for some afternoon adventures.
This maze came with a pretty comprehensive map, and it turns out at least some of us a very good at map reading. Amity seemed mildly annoyed that Zara and Wes were running the show, but every time she was offered an opoportunity to map read or lead, she basically declined. Below is a re-creation of what it tended to look like when we'd stop and plot.
However a good time was generally had by all. It was a beautiful day, and it handily broke up the drive between C'ville and Oberlin.
The maze was fun, but since they marked all 18 places you were supposed to visit in order to complete the game, it was really no match for our mad skills. There was a smaller subset that had unmarked clues, but we smiliarly conquered that quest, too.

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