Saturday, March 23, 2024

C'ville 10 Miler

Well, I finally did it. 17 years after moving to town (and 4 years after I stopped coaching Saturday soccer, which had been one of the main things keeping me from this race), I ran the C'ville 10 miler. It's a FANTASTIC race, even if the conditions this year (and apparently last year, too) were sub-optimal. And by sub-optimal I do mean a fair amount of pouring rain. But at least it wasn't freezing or sweltering, and once you get to be a certain amount of soaked I think you just give up caring? I made my goal time (under 100 minutes) and generally had a pretty good race though there were also a million little things that went just a tiny bit wrong that I was mentally cataloging how to fix for future years... wait, does that mean I'm running this race again? Maybe. Also of course 80% of the tweaks were weather related, so different conditions would be a whole different race. But you run the race you're given, I guess. Props to all of the volunteers and spectators, it really gives us runners a lift.

Also, thanks to Wesley for waking up early to give me a ride there, and then meeting me at the finish. Happy Anniversay, my Love!

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