Tuesday, February 05, 2013

One Sleep to Go!

If you are reading this, you probably already know that in less than 24 hours the 4 of us will embark on a journey of epic proportions. This journey will be epic for many reasons, not the least of which is we're taking a newly minted three year old on a 14 hour flight. We are looking forward to many things on this trip - seeing my brother (it's been at least 3 years, he's never even met his newest niece), seeing my mom and (Buelo) Phil, exploring Australia, visiting with the Singletons (and Auntie Clare! All the way from Michigan!), and in general taking one crazy vacation. Mostly the thing we're not looking forward to is the aforementioned flying with a 3 year old. Because really, it's almost never fun. We'll see how the 7.5 year old holds up, but I'm guessing if we keep her supplied in books, paper/pencils, snacks, and some quality iPad/movie time, she'll be one happy camper. Flyer. Kiddo.

We'll (hopefully) be posting semi-regularly here, Zara in particular will be taking a turn at the photo taking and commentary writing as part of "school" during this adventure. Keep checking back in with us and leave comments if you like, we'll read them and have Zara respond! We promise to answer all those burning questions about car seat schlepping through airports, what preschoolers really do on planes (and what keeps them entertained), how long we had to wait at customs and immigration, what we did in LA on our day long layover, etc.


quiltmidwife said...

Whoot! Oz is waiting for you!

jmbcraig said...

And in just a mere 21 plane hours and oh so many more real time hours, we'll be there!